March 22, 2011

Detroit students fight to keep Pell grants

U.S. Senator Carl Levin met Tuesday with financial aid officials from several colleges and universities as well as students who use the threatened federal Pell grant program. One of the students, Abigail Cosgriff , a junior at Wayne State University, said she relies heavily on Pell grants. Without them she says she would not be able to afford school. Another student, 21-year old Arslan Gondal, an Electrical Engineering major at WSU said he had hoped to graduate in a year. Without the Pell grant, he would have to get a full time job and go to school part-time. A photo of Cosgriff, Gondal and Al Hermsen, director of financial aid, is included in the CBS Detroit piece. WWJ reporter Pat Sweeting interviewed Levin during his visit.

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